Know it
Dead and didn't know it,
Walking down the street;
Dead and didn't know it,
There was pride beneath my feet;
Dead and didn't know it,
I was walking in to hell;
Dead and didn't know it,
I met Him at the well;
I came to draw some water,
He offered me life instead;
He told me that's what I needed,
Because I was really dead;
I drank what He gave me,
I sipped it slow at first;
It filled the well within me,
It filled and then it burst;
Filled to overflowing,
His life came in to me;
He put me on a new path,
And said, Come follow Me;
And that's what I've been doing,
Though it may not be what you see;
'Cause He is still working,
On that old sinner that was me;
Lost but now I'm found,
Blind but now I see;
All I want is to be with Him,
And that is where I'll be.
The sinner that was
The believer that is
The saved that knows it
"If the Son therefore shall make you free,
ye shall be free indeed."
- Jesus (John 8:36)
Know it.