"There is a God, and I'm not Him."
For those who have seen the movie Rudy, you probably remember this line - for those who haven't, I would highly recommend watching it. A link to both the film and Daniel "Rudy" Ruettiger's website, the man on whom it is based, are provided below - prepare to be motivated and encouraged!
These "two hard incontrovertible facts", which Rudy is presented with as he questions whether he is doing enough to fulfill his dream of playing football for Notre Dame, are the simple truths that comprise the important first step in our walk of faith.......the belief in something greater than ourselves. It's only after taking this position that we can move on to discovering what that something greater is.
My initial view of faith was like a single binary bit of information in a computer program - it either held a one (1) or a zero (0), you either believed or you didn't. But our walk of faith is much more (infinitely so) than just that single bit of information - it's not the simple flip of a switch (from off to on), but rather a gradual journey through a series of a steps, each one building on what we have learned from those taken previously.
Some of these steps seem small and insignificant, and we move through them quickly and confidently in stride. Others loom large and out of reach, and we find ourselves battling fear and self-doubt - stalled and hesitant to move forward. Some of the steps we can see coming, and some of them we don't. Some of our steps will be in the right direction, and some of them will not. All of these steps, however, are necessary for our spiritual growth and development.
My walk has included all of the above and the truth that becomes increasingly more evident is that His way is far superior to my own - IT'S NOT EVEN CLOSE!
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts."
(Isaiah 55:8-9)
The sooner we can break through the wall of our own will to reach this conclusion each and every time we come to a fork in the road, the better off we'll be.......Samuel knew it to be true, and so can we:
"God is my strength and my power: and He maketh my way perfect."
(2 Samuel 22:33)
Lord, guide us today.......in Your will, Your way, and Your timing!
(Last Updated 12/9/2021)